Morc | Lost in Dreams

O&S Mood Walks | Morc Records | Wim Lecluyse | Lost in Dreams
This mood walk by Wim Lecluyse of Morc is part of our mood walk series. Each walk is inspired by one of our 8 moods.
Lost in Dreams

about morc

Morc is a deliberately small-scale label run by Wim Lecluyse. Doing everything on his own from selecting the releases to putting the records in the sleeves, Morc is more than just a label. It’s almost like Wim’s diary. A very personal collection that’s now a total of 84 releases and counting with every release unique in its own way. 

about the walk

This route will take you to alleys, gardens, and gateways around Tolhuis, the home of Morc.


Part I


The first part of this walk leads you to the garden of Villa Voortman, which is open until 20:00 during the summer months.

Some key highlights along the way:

  • You will go over a bridge, called the ‘Bridge of Imperial Pleasures’, decorated by statues of Walter De Buck.
  • You will pass through the garden of the Antoniushof, which also hosts the fabulous Cultuurkapel.


As soon as you reach the ring (R40/Blaisantvest), follow it for a short while, and turn right at Terhagen, right after the building of Rabotvins. Stay on the lefthand side of the street. Just before the playground, turn left to enter the garden.

Once you’re inside, hang out near the pond or on one of the benches for as long as Mr. Palestine pleases you. Whenever you’re ready, you can start Part II and exit the garden.

Part II


Once you’re outside the garden, Follow the gravel path to the left and head towards the glasshouse.

At the end of the fence, there’s a gate that will lead you to De tuin van Kina, the garden of a kids’ museum. A nice place to hang out for a while and truly a hidden gem. It’s accessible to the public from Mondays to Fridays between 9:00 and 17:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00 on Sundays and holidays.


From here, enjoy the rest of the route.

O&S Mood Walks | Morc Records | Wim Lecluyse | Lost in Dreams

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buitenwallepad 4, ghent ·
fri to sat · 12:00 to 18:00