Touch Dissolves


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about the cd

Touch Dissolves is the result of a dialog between the artist Yusuf Sevinçli and the composer Aaron Martin initiated by IIKKI, between January 2018 and May 2018.

  1. 1 - A Child's Arms Are Moonlight 8:05
  2. 2 - The Space Above Overflowing 6:10
  3. 3 - Water Reads What Fingers Have Written 3:35
  4. 4 - Falling from the Feet of Sunlit Bodies 5:17
  5. 5 - To Stems Unclasped the Petals Cling 2:58
  6. 6 - Guarded Eyes Make Curtains Blossom 3:42
  7. 7 - A Hand That Reaches, A Branch That Sings 5:33


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Touch Dissolves


only 1 left

  1. 1 - A Child's Arms Are Moonlight 8:05
  2. 2 - The Space Above Overflowing 6:10
  3. 3 - Water Reads What Fingers Have Written 3:35
  4. 4 - Falling from the Feet of Sunlit Bodies 5:17
  5. 5 - To Stems Unclasped the Petals Cling 2:58
  6. 6 - Guarded Eyes Make Curtains Blossom 3:42
  7. 7 - A Hand That Reaches, A Branch That Sings 5:33


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about the cd

Touch Dissolves is the result of a dialog between the artist Yusuf Sevinçli and the composer Aaron Martin initiated by IIKKI, between January 2018 and May 2018.

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