No Longer a Soundtrack


only 3 left

about the cassette

Sheshadri’s work involves the unpredictable observation of and response to a personal and political network of relays - archival fields coexisting in entropy - that operate within our collective worlds and imperfect memories. Reading annotations from a book marked up by another, capturing an observational voice memo on a phone, or salvaging footage from a damaged tape are gestures that may produce source material for a fictional letter, a suggestion of an ethnography, soundtrack, or map of a speculated immigration.

These, in turn, may result in a composition, an object, a movement or manifesto. Her work, often taking the form of essayistic videos, recordings, readings, and performances, follows these relays towards creating environments from musical and non-musical artifacts alike - a kind of "affective collaging” concerned with the personal deconstruction and re-assemblage of archival objects and documents.

  1. 1 - Bottle with Coiling Dragon Inside 3:56
  2. 2 - Elephant Years 10:22
  3. 3 - Patty Live June 17:36
  4. 4 - Laboratory Channel 8:47


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No Longer a Soundtrack


only 3 left

  1. 1 - Bottle with Coiling Dragon Inside 3:56
  2. 2 - Elephant Years 10:22
  3. 3 - Patty Live June 17:36
  4. 4 - Laboratory Channel 8:47


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about the cassette

Sheshadri’s work involves the unpredictable observation of and response to a personal and political network of relays - archival fields coexisting in entropy - that operate within our collective worlds and imperfect memories. Reading annotations from a book marked up by another, capturing an observational voice memo on a phone, or salvaging footage from a damaged tape are gestures that may produce source material for a fictional letter, a suggestion of an ethnography, soundtrack, or map of a speculated immigration.

These, in turn, may result in a composition, an object, a movement or manifesto. Her work, often taking the form of essayistic videos, recordings, readings, and performances, follows these relays towards creating environments from musical and non-musical artifacts alike - a kind of "affective collaging” concerned with the personal deconstruction and re-assemblage of archival objects and documents.

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