Entity Relation


only 3 left

about the record

Born in Nigeria and raised in the DMV, Colloboh asserts himself as a no-nonsense contender of electronic music composition utilizing modular synthesizer.

  1. 1 - Turning& 5:09
  2. 2 - Borderline 5:37
  3. 3 - RPM+ 3:46
  4. 4 - one2MANY 3:31
  5. 5 - Reasons 7:00


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Entity Relation


only 3 left

  1. 1 - Turning& 5:09
  2. 2 - Borderline 5:37
  3. 3 - RPM+ 3:46
  4. 4 - one2MANY 3:31
  5. 5 - Reasons 7:00


Copy and paste this code to your site to embed.

about the record

Born in Nigeria and raised in the DMV, Colloboh asserts himself as a no-nonsense contender of electronic music composition utilizing modular synthesizer.

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