why we love this

Like a fragrant incense lit at sunset, movements are equal parts robust and lightweight, while the sound palette brings to mind ornamental, jewel-toned hues. John Carroll Kirby evokes a sparkling, mystical atmosphere for the senses.

  1. 1 - Luz Mala 2:34
  2. 2 - Savage Cryptids 2:05
  3. 3 - Gustav The Faun 3:25
  4. 4 - Phoebe's Theme 4:45
  5. 5 - Tenderfoot Pegasus 3:00
  6. 6 - Joan 6:44
  7. 7 - Mystic Brine 2:43
  8. 8 - The Tower 6:01
  9. 9 - Cryptozoo End Credits Theme 2:46


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in stock

  1. 1 - Luz Mala 2:34
  2. 2 - Savage Cryptids 2:05
  3. 3 - Gustav The Faun 3:25
  4. 4 - Phoebe's Theme 4:45
  5. 5 - Tenderfoot Pegasus 3:00
  6. 6 - Joan 6:44
  7. 7 - Mystic Brine 2:43
  8. 8 - The Tower 6:01
  9. 9 - Cryptozoo End Credits Theme 2:46


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why we love this

Like a fragrant incense lit at sunset, movements are equal parts robust and lightweight, while the sound palette brings to mind ornamental, jewel-toned hues. John Carroll Kirby evokes a sparkling, mystical atmosphere for the senses.

fits in the mood

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