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about the record

"Kaivajaiset" is Niko-Matti Ahti's first solo recording, initially conceived as an installation.

Exhibited in B-Galleria in Turku (2019) and 3H+K in Pori (2020), "Kaivajaiset" drew inspiration from The Diggers' 1649 pamphlet and Michel Foucault's extension of Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of genealogy. The installation featured sounds, opinion pieces, a print copy of the pamphlet, and four cardboard collages.

This record serves as a summary of the installation's sounds, combining vivid foley and domestic recordings with oration and classical instrumentation to create an expansive, narrative, and thrilling composition.

  1. 1 - Kaivajaiset Part 1.1 2:56
  2. 2 - Kaivajaiset Part 1.2 6:46
  3. 3 - Kaivajaiset Part 1.3 6:51
  4. 4 - Kaivajaiset Part 1.4 2:34
  5. 5 - Kaivajaiset Part 2.1 6:15
  6. 6 - Kaivajaiset Part 2.2 5:45
  7. 7 - Kaivajaiset Part 2.3 1:45
  8. 8 - Kaivajaiset Part 2.4 3:12


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only 3 left

  1. 1 - Kaivajaiset Part 1.1 2:56
  2. 2 - Kaivajaiset Part 1.2 6:46
  3. 3 - Kaivajaiset Part 1.3 6:51
  4. 4 - Kaivajaiset Part 1.4 2:34
  5. 5 - Kaivajaiset Part 2.1 6:15
  6. 6 - Kaivajaiset Part 2.2 5:45
  7. 7 - Kaivajaiset Part 2.3 1:45
  8. 8 - Kaivajaiset Part 2.4 3:12


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about the record

"Kaivajaiset" is Niko-Matti Ahti's first solo recording, initially conceived as an installation.

Exhibited in B-Galleria in Turku (2019) and 3H+K in Pori (2020), "Kaivajaiset" drew inspiration from The Diggers' 1649 pamphlet and Michel Foucault's extension of Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of genealogy. The installation featured sounds, opinion pieces, a print copy of the pamphlet, and four cardboard collages.

This record serves as a summary of the installation's sounds, combining vivid foley and domestic recordings with oration and classical instrumentation to create an expansive, narrative, and thrilling composition.

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