Interest In Music


only 2 left

why we love this

Listening to 'Interest In Music' feels like watching a game of sonic Twister between the compositions’ various parts. The vocals and instrumentation move in constant, playful fluctuation: folding together, bending apart, holding form before shifting into new peculiar and fascinating positions.

about the record

Interest in Music was made by TRii Group, which stems from TRjj, which stems from TRIIMusic.

  1. 1 - Friend 5:35
  2. 2 - Propolis 2:02
  3. 3 - BMQ Smoke 4:34
  4. 4 - Certain Sands 3:07
  5. 5 - Final Wood 5:22
  6. 6 - (-) 2:19
  7. 7 - Open Tent 1:28
  8. 8 - G lok g lok 4:41
  9. 9 - Documents Ball 4:21
  10. 10 - 3rd Generation East German (Teen Rejection) 3:47


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Interest In Music


only 2 left

  1. 1 - Friend 5:35
  2. 2 - Propolis 2:02
  3. 3 - BMQ Smoke 4:34
  4. 4 - Certain Sands 3:07
  5. 5 - Final Wood 5:22
  6. 6 - (-) 2:19
  7. 7 - Open Tent 1:28
  8. 8 - G lok g lok 4:41
  9. 9 - Documents Ball 4:21
  10. 10 - 3rd Generation East German (Teen Rejection) 3:47


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why we love this

Listening to 'Interest In Music' feels like watching a game of sonic Twister between the compositions’ various parts. The vocals and instrumentation move in constant, playful fluctuation: folding together, bending apart, holding form before shifting into new peculiar and fascinating positions.

about the record

Interest in Music was made by TRii Group, which stems from TRjj, which stems from TRIIMusic.

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